‘Final Feeding’

Kate Howe, 2023, kraft paper, aluminum wire, tar, shellac and stitching.

“She’s too big

lifting, never rising, she pushes, folds, opens,

and is closed

Grotesque; she should not be conceived in a box like this; it doesn’t feel ethical to press her ragged wings against the walls

Sew her shut and drag those limbs, strong as silk, 

Through the tar

she knows she will not live

but she will fight for every moment inside this box

or breaking it, die anyway. 

“I proved it to myself yesterday.” she wrote six years ago in a note she left for me.

“If I fight, I WIN.” 

I hear you, dead and arisen through 

Sysiphisian baptisms of catastrophic

Female malaise. 

You died anyway, I whisper, as I hold her to my chest, encircle her with arms, alive once again, but no longer hers. 

My wing hits the window.”

- Kate Howe

‘Final Feeding’ (Performance)

Spontaneous performance inside a WIP installation at RuptureXIBIT. 9 June, 2023. Duration: 75 minutes. Seated meditation whilst receiving an IV for pancreatitis, nude in a nest of Kraft paper, attached to a creature via surgical tubing. Nurse: Sharon Owenga (Photo: Sharon Owenga, street view through the High street shop-front window).

“No where in this litany of how I should be’s is any room for how I might be, and I had to be led to the edge of freedom by my own two transgender daughters. My work knew I was queer long before I was brave enough to agree with it. This work lives at the intersectionality of gender, sexuality, and ableism…” Read more.