'The First Twenty-Four Hours (Part Three)’ , Kate Howe, 2024, Installation View.

‘The First Twenty-Four Hours (Part Three)’

Kate Howe, 2024, oil on linen. 160cm x 120cm.

This work is a direct response to writing Howe’s current research proposal.

"The initial underpainting image arises either from my own lived experience and memory, a memory someone else has shared with me, a forensic evidentiary crime scene photograph, a real image of Rape or violence against women which has gone out across social or mass media, or an image from popular fiction (crime based television shows and movies such as The Fall) where we reenact this violence as consumer entertainment.

The image presents itself and this act begins the ritual connected to the painting: sometimes, we build a small altar at the studio and sit with her image until I feel her shift, until she allows her story to intertwine with mine and everyone else's..."

- Excerpts from Kate's writing on their current painting process. To read more, or browse Howe's other writings, head to their Substack.